Showing all 13 results
Showing all 13 results
I am very very chuffed (thrilled) with the machine! QH had a good look inside and he is so impressed with the way the machine is made. He used to design mine winders for a big mining house that had shafts going 5km underground – so he checked out all the mechanics etc.
Yesterday all the coaches in Pretoria came and had a look at my kids using the machine and a school is very interested. They were amazed at how disciplined the players were at sweeping balls away and keeping the machine going. We are working with 150 balls as we don’t need to heat them … it’s about 29 degrees C on court at present.
Thanx again and loving it!!
South Africa
Our first experience with the Cannon has gone very very well! It performed beautifully and I was very impressed by the finishing of the product.
All in all a great product and one that I am sure will serve us well. Most of the Centre staff were shown how to operate and out top coach in Canberra has given it a big tick! He will be a constant user I think.
I find the squash cannon especially helpful for the beginner to the professional player. at all levels players can practice shots that maybe of difficulty like serve/returns and get that muscle memory for that shot so during a game it becomes automatic.
I find also using the cannon as a coach it is able to feed difficult balls more accurately and allows me to watch players execute shots from a completely different angle thus seeing new weaknesses of the player.
It also allows the pupil to see the coach execute the same shot from maybe outside the court to get a better gauge on the technical side of a shot.
While the coach is trying to concentrate on giving good feeds to a player now the squash cannon actually allows me to coach better by being able to actually watch the player much more closely than ever before.
Great squash teaching aid!!!
Head Squash ProfessionalThe Cleveland Racquet Club
Just a quick note to let you know that we used the ball machine in practice today for the first time and boy is that a great teaching tool, not to mention a wonderful toy!
It was very easy to set it up to hit boasts and hard high serves (that’s all I got to today) and I had fun running the girls on the varsity team at Nobles up and back, adjusting the speed on the ball feed!
Just wanted to say that I used the cannon at the Talbott Academy last week and it was excellent. The accuracy and the tempo was perfect for the USA Team in their preparation for the worlds.
USA National Coach
The Squash Cannon is the perfect tool for all levels of play. Even world-ranked players benefit. It enables them to repeat and perfect any shot, to gain the competitive edge over their opponents. At high levels, the competition is tight, and shot accuracy is an absolute necessity.
Coach of Jonathan Power, World #1
Congratulations on the Cannon! It’s definitely the best squash ball machine I have ever tried. It’s incredibly powerful and easy to use. The students on the Yale teams love it! I can’t wait to use it at the Talbott Squash Academy. What a great teaching and practicing tool!
Director Talbot Squash Academy
Women’s Coach Yale University
#1 ranked WPSA Hard Ball player for 13 years
The Squash Cannon is an excellent teaching tool for Squash Professionals. It is easy to use and has a great feed consistency, which makes it suitable for individual and group drill sessions. It is a must for any player who wants to improve their squash game.
Head Squash Professional
Center Club Edmonton, Canada
Level 3 Coach
The Squash Cannon has provided me with many opportunities to improve my overall game. Bottom line, I’m seeing results and winning matches. My friends want to know who I’m drilling with.
Top Club Player
Good morning Dan,
I don’t know if I ever got a chance to tell you how much we love the ball machine. It has been great for the team.
Head Squash Coach
Cornell University
Teagle Hall